

URL Encoding Reference

ASCII Character URL-encoding
space %20
! %21
# %23
$ %24
% %25
& %26
( %28
) %29
* %2A
+ %2B
, %2C
. %2E
/ %2F
0 %30
1 %31
2 %32
3 %33
4 %34
5 %35
6 %36
7 %37
8 %38
9 %39
: %3A
; %3B
< %3C
= %3D
> %3E
? %3F
@ %40
A %41
B %42
C %43
D %44
E %45
F %46
G %47
H %48
I %49
J %4A
K %4B
L %4C
M %4D
N %4E
O %4F
P %50
Q %51
R %52
S %53
T %54
U %55
V %56
W %57
X %58
Y %59
Z %5A
[ %5B
] %5D
^ %5E
_ %5F
` %60
a %61
b %62
c %63
d %64
e %65
f %66
g %67
h %68
i %69
j %6A
k %6B
l %6C
m %6D
n %6E
o %6F
p %70
q %71
r %72
s %73
t %74
u %75
v %76
w %77
x %78
y %79
z %7A
{ %7B
| %7C
} %7D
~ %7E
Ä %80
Ç %82
É %83
Ñ %84
Ö %85
Ü %86
á %87
à %88
â %89
ä %8A
ã %8B
å %8C
é %8E
ë %91
í %92
ì %93
î %94
ï %95
ñ %96
ó %97
ò %98
ô %99
ö %9A
õ %9B
ú %9C
û %9E
ü %9F
° %A1
¢ %A2
£ %A3
| %A6
ß %A7
® %A8
© %A9
´ %AB
¨ %AC
± %B1
¥ %B4
µ %B5
π %B9
ª %BB
º %BC
æ %BE
ø %BF
¿ %C0
¡ %C1
¬ %C2
ƒ %C4
« %C7
» %C8
à %CC
œ %CF
÷ %D6
ÿ %D8
Ÿ %D9
· %E1
Ê %E6
Á %E7
Ë %E8
È %E9
Ò %F1
Ú %F2
Û %F3
Ù %F4
ı %F5
ˆ %F6
˜ %F7
¯ %F8
˘ %F9
˙ %FA
˚ %FB
¸ %FC
˝ %FD
˛ %FE
ˇ %FF


URL Encoding Reference

The ASCII device control characters %00-%1f were originally designed to control hardware devices. Control characters have nothing to do inside a URL.

ASCII Character Description URL-encoding
NUL null character %00
SOH start of header %01
STX start of text %02
ETX end of text %03
EOT end of transmission %04
ENQ enquiry %05
ACK acknowledge %06
BEL bell (ring) %07
BS backspace %08
HT horizontal tab %09
LF line feed %0A
VT vertical tab %0B
FF form feed %0C
CR carriage return %0D
SO shift out %0E
SI shift in %0F
DLE data link escape %10
DC1 device control 1 %11
DC2 device control 2 %12
DC3 device control 3 %13
DC4 device control 4 %14
NAK negative acknowledge %15
SYN synchronize %16
ETB end transmission block %17
CAN cancel %18
EM end of medium %19
SUB substitute %1A
ESC escape %1B
FS file separator %1C
GS group separator %1D
RS record separator %1E
US unit separator %1

Math Symbols Supported by HTML

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
&forall; for all
&part; part
&exist; exists
&empty; empty
&nabla; nabla
&isin; isin
&notin; notin
&ni; ni
&prod; prod
&sum; sum
&minus; minus
&lowast; lowast
&radic; square root
&prop; proportional to
&infin; infinity
&ang; angle
&and; and
&or; or
&cap; cap
&cup; cup
&int; integral
&there4; therefore
&sim; similar to
&cong; congruent to
&asymp; almost equal
&ne; not equal
&equiv; equivalent
&le; less or equal
&ge; greater or equal
&sub; subset of
&sup; superset of
&nsub; not subset of
&sube; subset or equal
&supe; superset or equal
&oplus; circled plus
&otimes; circled times
&perp; perpendicular
&sdot; dot operator

Greek Letters Supported by HTML

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
Α Α &Alpha; Alpha
Β Β &Beta; Beta
Γ Γ &Gamma; Gamma
Δ Δ &Delta; Delta
Ε Ε &Epsilon; Epsilon
Ζ Ζ &Zeta; Zeta
Η Η &Eta; Eta
Θ Θ &Theta; Theta
Ι Ι &Iota; Iota
Κ Κ &Kappa; Kappa
Λ Λ &Lambda; Lambda
Μ Μ &Mu; Mu
Ν Ν &Nu; Nu
Ξ Ξ &Xi; Xi
Ο Ο &Omicron; Omicron
Π Π &Pi; Pi
Ρ Ρ &Rho; Rho
undefined Sigmaf
Σ Σ &Sigma; Sigma
Τ Τ &Tau; Tau
Υ Υ &Upsilon; Upsilon
Φ Φ &Phi; Phi
Χ Χ &Chi; Chi
Ψ Ψ &Psi; Psi
Ω Ω &Omega; Omega
α α &alpha; alpha
β β &beta; beta
γ γ &gamma; gamma
δ δ &delta; delta
ε ε &epsilon; epsilon
ζ ζ &zeta; zeta
η η &eta; eta
θ θ &theta; theta
ι ι &iota; iota
κ κ &kappa; kappa
λ λ &lambda; lambda
μ μ &mu; mu
ν ν &nu; nu
ξ ξ &xi; xi
ο ο &omicron; omicron
π π &pi; pi
ρ ρ &rho; rho
ς ς &sigmaf; sigmaf
σ σ &sigma; sigma
τ τ &tau; tau
υ υ &upsilon; upsilon
φ φ &phi; phi
χ χ &chi; chi
ψ ψ &psi; psi
ω ω &omega; omega
ϑ ϑ &thetasym; theta symbol
ϒ ϒ &upsih; upsilon symbol
ϖ ϖ &piv; pi symbol

Other Entities Supported by HTML

Character Entity Number Entity Name Description
Œ Œ &OElig; capital ligature OE
œ œ &oelig; small ligature oe
Š Š &Scaron; capital S with caron
š š &scaron; small S with caron
Ÿ Ÿ &Yuml; capital Y with diaeres
ƒ ƒ &fnof; f with hook
ˆ ˆ &circ; modifier letter circumflex accent
˜ ˜ &tilde; small tilde
&ensp; en space
&emsp; em space
&thinsp; thin space
&zwnj; zero width non-joiner
&zwj; zero width joiner
&lrm; left-to-right mark
&rlm; right-to-left mark
&ndash; en dash
&mdash; em dash
&lsquo; left single quotation mark
&rsquo; right single quotation mark
&sbquo; single low-9 quotation mark
&ldquo; left double quotation mark
&rdquo; right double quotation mark
&bdquo; double low-9 quotation mark
&dagger; dagger
&Dagger; double dagger
&bull; bullet
&hellip; horizontal ellipsis
&permil; per mille
&prime; minutes
&Prime; seconds
&lsaquo; single left angle quotation
&rsaquo; single right angle quotation
&oline; overline
&euro; euro
™ or ™ &trade; trademark
&larr; left arrow
&uarr; up arrow
&rarr; right arrow
&darr; down arrow
&harr; left right arrow
&crarr; carriage return arrow
&lceil; left ceiling
&rceil; right ceiling
&lfloor; left floor
&rfloor; right floor
&loz; lozenge
&spades; spade
&clubs; club
&hearts; heart
&diams; diamond

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