亲爱的Marek Druzdzel老师的作品
- Go to your xxxxx folder that contains the folders named “jar”, “res”, “doc”, and “native”. You need to go into Eclipse (assuming you use eclipse), open your project in the Project Explorer on the left side of your screen.
- Right click on the “JRE System Library” of your project, and click “Build Path” -> “Configure Build Path”.
- Include the xxxxx native libraries to your project in the Build Path Configurer by clicking the “Native library location” which can be seen in the JRE System Library dropdown menu.
- Click on “Edit…”, which will be the only button clickable in that general area.
- A file explorer will pop up. Navigate to the location of your xxxxx native folder (The location should be something like “C:UsersYOURUSERNAMEHEREDesktopJavaeclipsexxxxx-2.9.0native” if you are using Windows) and include the folder named [Your OS here].
Before Starting the Implementation
The only thing that a programmer has to take care of before working with jSMILE is setting the environment path to the location the library (libwin32jsmile.dll). Under Windows platforms, we have to either add libwin32 folder to the PATH environment variable, or put the library in one of the folders already included in this variable.
If the library is not accessible, an exception with “no jsmile in java.library.path” message will be thrown.
* jSMILE package contains a ready-to-use library only for 32-bit Windows platforms only. Source code of the library is provided, so a version for other platform can be easily created. Some useful information on creating the library can be found in Extending jSMILE Library section.
there are really some problems in the javaee program
for it has load the smile.jar 2 times, it would throw error
at this time we must put the path at another place and force it load the path in the program manually.