Feeling of Kindle Oasis
1. Some videos which disassemble it shows no serial port in the main board. 2. A little more white than my KPW1. 3. A new system version 5.7.4 4. You can find percentage of battery when press ‘option’ with cover connected. 5. Amazon customer service will remove the special offer if you asked. Without any […]
拜读了 李硕 的这篇文章,不长,但是写的很好。觉得里面很多观点都很有意思。直到现在在周朝往上基本上就没有信史,太遗憾了。 能感受到作者加入了一些自己的阐述,但是写的还是很有意思。 以前很想去河南看一下商朝的遗址,但是也没啥机会去。 商朝的各种历史,比如人牲祭祀什么的,及其的恶心残忍,又及其的宏大震撼。 周灭商,我觉得是进步了很多。当然,商朝的历史资料几乎什么都没有,实在是太遗憾了。
jsmile 配置 notes
亲爱的Marek Druzdzel老师的作品 Go to your xxxxx folder that contains the folders named “jar”, “res”, “doc”, and “native”. You need to go into Eclipse (assuming you use eclipse), open your project in the Project Explorer on the left side of your screen. Right click on the “JRE System Library” of your project, and click “Build […]
Notes of a new user of GitHub
when work together with other people, you should: 1.1 fork the project you want to co-work with others 1.2 clone it from your github 1.3 work with the project and save it to your own version 1.4 Click “pull request” in your project (which was cloned from the owner), the owner would recieve a email […]
one way to solve apache not start in netbeans IDE
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22225764/starting-of-tomcat-failed-from-netbeans the path should like C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache Tomcat 8.0.27bin Find the bellow configuration in your catalina.bat file. :noJuliConfig set “JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% %LOGGING_CONFIG%” :noJuliManager set “JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% %LOGGING_MANAGER%” Just remove the double quotes :noJuliConfig set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% %LOGGING_CONFIG% :noJuliManager set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% %LOGGING_MANAGER%
our wretchedness consists in the disproportion between our desires and our powers
Every feeling of hardship is inseparable from the desire to escape from it; every idea of pleasure from the desire to enjoy it. All desire implies a want, and all wants are painful; hence our wretchedness consists in the disproportion between our desires and our powers. A conscious being whose powers were equal to his […]
来生 听了太多静茹,打算下辈子做女人; 身体和内心都是软的,透明且坚韧;童年时赤脚跑过积水街道,少年时穿白色男式衬衫;在绽放的青春里看着你傻笑发呆;你不要赚很多钱,要有很多时间陪我,不大声对我吼,不笑话我的泪;白发苍苍时听我唠叨,暴跳如雷,吃光我烤糊的饼干,死在我后面。 by 马天夫
Burp Suite的一次应用
某网站借贷宝本来只能用借记卡付款,以工商银行借记卡为例: 正常的流程是:E->调用第三方支付网站kingpass.cn->kingpass调用银联支付接口95516.com->调用银联网关chinapay.com->调用工商银行网银(只能用借记卡) 但是在银联支付接口95516.com->调用银联网关chinapay.com 这个流程中,某个牛逼人士发现这个对于返回的参数没校验。 以工行为例 这里如果上传postdata的时候删掉这个id,就会导致chinapay.com不跳转到下一步,可以自由选择支付方式,很多人用来信用卡套现。
some information of SENTRI
前一阵子3798论坛上突然流行起来申请SENTRI了,这是一个类似NEXUS之类的快速通关项目。但是非美国公民、绿卡、加国公民只能享受其中的TSA Pre-check和注册陆路进入墨西哥的汽车。Global Entry是无法用的。但是对于经常在美国飞的人来说还是挺实用的。
Burp Suite 使用笔记(1):如何修改提交的form
update android/ios could add CA certificate the same way, but the Burp Suite must be restarted. 1.配置环境 首先要下载好Burp Suite(正版太tm贵了,并不想支持) 然后配置环境,在burp suite里面设置代理(默认是127.0.0.1:8080)。 之后设置浏览器代理走127.0.0.1:8080 详见 https://support.portswigger.net/customer/en/portal/articles/1783058-Installing_Configuring%20your%20Browser%20-%20IE.html https://support.portswigger.net/customer/en/portal/articles/1783066-Installing_Configuring%20your%20Browser%20-%20FF.html 2.设置https证书 在设置好代理的浏览器中打开http://burp/cert 3.抓取数据,修改数据 以wordpress新建一个用户的过程为例 当点击提交的时候,burpsuite会拦截这次请求 此时打开图示的proxy->intercept页面,之后点击右键菜单里面的send to repeater 在repeater页面更改上传的form数据,之后提交 这个时候看到新建的用户已经是被修改过的了